What you should know about the iOS 15 update

It’s important to keep the operating system of all your devices updated to ensure you have the latest security patches installed. This includes updating your mobile devices, like your iPhone and iPad.

Businesses that run outdated operating systems are more likely to suffer a breach. Approximately 65% of companies are likely to have a breach if they have outdated technology, while that number is just 29% for those running updated software and hardware.

Keeping your phone updated also brings several features that can save time and improve both your personal and business productivity. The newest iOS update from Apple does all that and more, including helping you better balance work and home life.

Mobile phones are a big part of how we interact online, with roughly half of Google searches now originating from a mobile device. Many employees also now prefer using a mobile app over a PC app for their business workflows.

The latest big update for the iPhone and iPad to come out was released in September. We’ll go through all the exciting new things you should know about iOS 15.

iOS 15: What’s New & Improved?

Share Your Screen from Your Phone

One of the challenges of needing to connect to a video call while away from your desk is not being able to share your screen if you have to present something to the group.

This is no longer an issue with iOS 15. It’s now possible to easily share your screen during a FaceTime call, so you can feel as much a part of the meeting when on mobile as you do when at your desk.

FaceTime with Anyone with a Unique Link

FaceTime is a great way to connect, but before now, you had to connect with other iPhone users. What if someone has an Android phone? You had to find another app to use, which takes more time and means one more account you have to juggle.

With the new iOS update, you can now use FaceTime with anyone, no matter what mobile device they may have. You can create a unique link when starting a FaceTime call. Just text or email that to the other person, and they can click and instantly join the video call. They don’t even need to sign into anything or set up any type of account.

Customise Notifications Depending on What You’re Doing

Focus is a feature that allows you to set various notifications (text, phone, email, app, etc.) on or off depending upon what you are doing.

For example, if you only want to receive text messages while you’re working out, but no app notifications, you can set a “Fitness” focus. If you want to turn off everything, including incoming calls while you’re driving, you can set up a “Driving” focus for that. Need to make everything silent when you’re in meetings? Just customise a “Meeting” focus.

This allows you to click a button when you are doing one of those activities and have your notification preferences applied automatically.

More Comprehensive Notifications

Notifications have been redesigned in iOS 15, which includes making the icon next to the notification larger for easier identification. Contact photos have also been added for SMS notifications.

A notification summary has been added to allow you to easily catch up on notifications that may have come in when you were in a meeting or had alerts turned off.

Unlock Text in Images

Live Text is an intelligent feature that can pull text and numbers from an image. This allows you to do things like pulling an email address from a business card to quickly send a message or call a service provider as you pass a sign with their phone number.

Look Things Up Instantly

If you’re passing a flower that you’d like to plant outside your home office window, Visual Lookup makes it as easy as taking a photo to find out what that flower is. Your iPhone will identify the item and bring up information about it.

This can be used for all types of items, including animals, plants, landmarks, art, and more.

Privacy Report

Many mobile apps are “freewheeling” with your data and may be sharing more than you like. The new Privacy Report feature in iOS 15 is very helpful for seeing exactly what your apps are accessing and what’s happening with that data.

You can adjust your app permissions if you find that you’ve allowed too much access. You can also see which domains that app is contacting with your data.

Get Help Optimising & Securing Mobile Devices at Your Company

Many companies use a BYOD (bring your own device) approach to mobile use at work but have no way to manage data security for those devices. BrightSkye can help your UK business with an effective and efficient mobile device management plan.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation at 0141 212 2240 or reach out online.

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Why is it important to update my Android phone? | BrightSkye
