Cyber Essentials

Elevate Your Business to the Cyber Essentials Standard

We can help you better secure your business through the adoption of the Cyber Essentials Standard as set out by the UK Government.

Why Cyber Security is important

No matter what size business you have, you’re not safe from a cyber-attack. The UK Government has laid out a set of cybersecurity standards called Cyber Essentials that can protect your organisation against the most common threats to networks and devices.

BrightSkye can guide your organisation through this important security standard to help you adopt the necessary protections to reduce your risk.

What are the benefits of adopting the Cyber Essentials?

  • Reduces your risk of a cyber security incident

  • Lowers your company’s vulnerability to an attack

  • Improves your business reputation with your customers

  • Helps you attract new business because you can illustrate strong cybersecurity

  • Gives you transparency into your organisation’s level of cyber security

  • Ensures you can meet all Government contract requirements

Malware Protection

Malware comes in many forms – ransomware, spyware, viruses, trojans, and more – and no matter what the type, infiltration can be costly and bring operations to a halt.

Our Glasgow IT support specialists will help you put stringent malware protections in place, including defences against phishing emails, which are the main delivery method for malware. Our multi-layered approach can ensure all your endpoints and network systems are secured.


Secure Configuration

BrightSkye has over 35 years of experience assisting commercial customers. Leveraging that know-how, we securely configure and manage your IT environment, ensuring your data is strictly controlled and no vulnerability is left open for cybercriminals to exploit.

We take an end-to-end approach that covers security configurations for computers, mobile devices, cloud assets, networks, and any other components of your IT infrastructure.

A Hard drive next to a computer.

User Access Control

Credential theft has now risen to be the main driver of data breaches globally. With so much business data and so many processes now hosted in the cloud, cybercriminals have turned their attention to user accounts as the easiest mode of attack.

We will help you beef up your access control and put important safeguards in place, including multi-factor authentication, context-based access challenges, and other security solutions. We do this with user convenience in mind, so we don’t slow down your team in the process.

Patch Management

The majority of today’s data breaches and malware infections can be tied to malicious code that exploits a vulnerability in an application or operating system. Many of these vulnerabilities already have security patches issued, but the users haven’t updated their systems to apply them.

We automate patch management to ensure your systems are updated in a timely manner and that any urgent security patches are installed to reduce your risk of a cyber incident.

An image of a man servicing a MacBook and a Dell laptop Simultaneously.
A Hard drive next to a computer.


Most business owners have heard of a firewall and may have a basic understanding of what they do. Firewalls are a vital safeguard for your network, but they have to be configured properly so they keep threats out without causing access problems for your users.

Our Glasgow cyber security experts can help you put a next-gen firewall in place with advanced threat protection that keeps your network monitored and immediately shuts down any dangers.

Greater Glasgow’s Security-First IT Support Provider

As a security-first IT support provider, we’re committed to helping our clients establish robust, multilayered security protections that help manage cyber risk.

BrightSkye’s Glasgow team of seasoned cyber security experts can guide you on your path to Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certification. In addition to improving your business’s security posture, this coveted accreditation could help you gain new business by asserting your commitment to Cyber Security best practice.

Two more ways we can help:

Fast Response

Our team is known for our fast response time, which is particularly important if you feel you have a cyber security breach. You never have to worry about waiting hours or days for a response.

An image of a man servicing a MacBook and a Dell laptop Simultaneously.
A computer on Google Search Console

Compliance & Documentation

Good cyber security and compliance are important for any organisation but the paperwork involved can be time-consuming.

We can provide the necessary documentation and help you align your information security policies with the requirements of leading frameworks, including UK GDPR, PCI DSS, the NIS regulations and others
